Quantifying biodiversity begins with reliable sampling

Industry-leading eDNA Sampling Technologies

Good sampling is the foundation of a good study. For eDNA studies, it is arguably the only step in the process that cannot be repeated, and it therefore carries the greatest risk to your project's success. No amount of laboratory alchemy or bioinformatic wizardry will compensate for inadequate sample collection. So, it’s worth doing it correctly the first time.

Building on our extensive experience collecting environmental samples in challenging environments, we have developed environmental DNA sampling solutions to suit projects of various sizes in terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments. Each of our eDNA sampling kits provides everything your field teams require for convenient, consistent and efficient sample collection, to maximise the probability of detection and ensure meaningful results.

We offer a range of sampling kits to effectively and efficiently capture environmental DNA. All of our sampling solutions are designed with sustainability in mind. Wherever possible we minimise or remove the need for disposable materials and hazardous chemicals, without compromising sample integrity. Please see our sampling kit options below:

Marine and Freshwater Sampling Kits

DNA in water environments can rapidly disperse over wide distances, becoming highly diluted and degrading relatively quickly over time.
It is important to consider the dynamics of the environment being sampled to ensure the captured DNA signal is actually representative of the location where it was collected.

Soil and Sediment Sampling Kits

DNA in soils and sediments may persist for years or even many centuries. 
It is important to use correct sampling techniques to ensure the eDNA signal captured in each sample is representative of the extant biodiversity of the habitat in which it was collected.

Habitat-scale Sampling Kits

It is crucial that sample collection should match the scale of the environment being studied.
Our habitat-scale sampling technologies enable comprehensive and cost-effective sample collection of very large geographical areas.


A programmable high-volume water filtration device for automated eDNA sample collection in large rivers, tidal estuaries, open coastlines or the deep sea.

Proven applications include: biosecurity surveillance in maritime ports, fish population monitoring along open coastlines, biodiversity baseline and monitoring within offshore energy installations, and deep-sea biodiversity exploration (to 4,000 metres deep).


Our ecoTYPE eDNA kits provide proven, reliable, cost-efficient habitat-scale biodiversity assessment data for soils or sediments to support your natural capital accounting, sustainability disclosures and biodiversity reporting. 

Site-scale Sampling Kits

Our site-scale sampling kits are ideal for assessing localised biodiversity distributions or quantifying impacts in contaminated sites.


Using a light-weight, field-portable manual pump, our ezDNA kits provide reliable sample collection in remote aquatic habitats, where the weight, reliability and power requirements of battery-operated sampling devices would be prohibitively risky to your project success.


Designed for biodiversity impact assessments and monitoring biodiversity regeneration in soils or sediments, our high-resolution reGEN eDNA kits can identify tipping-points at the population and whole community levels.

Find out more about our eDNA analyses